What to Do When Your Marketing Emails Are Falling Flat

What to Do When Your Marketing Emails Are Falling Flat


Everywhere you look, business owners are talking about how well email marketing works for them. “The money is in the list,” they say, but not everyone sees the same return on email efforts. 

If your emails are falling flat, try these simple tactics. You’ll get more engagement, make more sales, and be excited every time you write a new email to your customers. 

Make sure your emails land in the inbox

Fact: For people to interact with your emails, they must see them first. If your newsletters and campaigns are going to the spam folder, chances are you’re not reaching your audience. Instead of trying to see what’s wrong with your content, investigate your email deliverability first. 

“Using an inbox tester is eye-opening to many of our customers,” says ZeroBounce COO Brian Minick. “They get to see whether their next email will land in the inbox. If it doesn’t, they know to fix this issue first, and then revamp their content strategy,” the email pro adds. 

An inbox testing tool lets you send your email to addresses associated with popular providers, like Gmail or Outlook. It then shows you if that email is going to land in the inbox. Once you find out where you stand, it’s much easier to see the issues you need to address.

Segment your audience so you can send better emails

Every one of your customers is unique, but in their journey with your business, some share a few common attributes. 

Take your first-time buyers, for instance: They signed up and made a purchase, so what’s the next step you’d like them to take? Perhaps they could benefit from using another one of your products. Create a segment for this audience and reach out with an email pointing people towards the next action item. 

Email list segmentation is the most effective strategy to boost sales, 78 percent of marketers think. Personalizing the emails you send to each group helps you build a better, more relevant experience for your audience. 

Avoid overly promotional content

Many companies go into email marketing focusing on sales. While that may be your ultimate goal, it doesn’t mean every email you send has to sell something. On the contrary, this approach can turn off your prospects. Avoid swamping them with discounts and special offers. Not only can that cheapen your brand, it can also prompt many people to unsubscribe.

“In email marketing, you must earn people’s trust with helpful content before going for the hard close. We find this to be the best strategy for both our company and our customers,” says Madrivo CEO Ronen Hamatian. “Show up consistently in their inboxes with emails that make a difference. Thus, you’ll build credibility and engagement, so when it’s time to sell, your audience is ready to buy from you,” says the marketing expert. 

A weekly newsletter featuring your latest blog articles and helpful tips will help you gain momentum and forge a deeper connection with your audience. 

Final tip: Stick to your schedule

As a founder in the email tech space, I subscribe to many emails. Some companies start out strong, but their energy dwindles within weeks and they disappear from my inbox. Don’t do that to your subscribers-;email works only when you do. Regardless of the size of your database, be there for your audience with useful, engaging, and entertaining emails. Reaching out to your prospects regularly is how you gain their attention, trust and, eventually, their business.

Nikki L

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