Why Some Companies Are Not Increasing Spend on Generative AI

Why Some Companies Are Not Increasing Spend on Generative AI

by Ayaz Nanji for MarketingProfs

Decision-makers who work for companies that do not plan to increase their investment in generative AI tools such as ChatGPT in the near future say they have a range of concerns about the technology, according to recent research from Lucidworks.

The report was based on data from a global survey of decision-makers and professionals who work for companies with 100 or more employees across 14 industries.

Among respondents whose companies plan to decrease or maintain their current levels of investment in generative AI, the top reasons are security considerations (17%), accuracy concerns (9%), and transparency concerns (7%).

AI concerns in oompanies that plan to decrease or maintain their AI spend

Some 40% of professionals whose companies plan to maintain or decrease spend on generative AI say they have a positive view of the technology, compared with 48% of professionals whose companies plan to increase spend on generative AI.

AI sentiments among companies that are increasing spend vs companies that are decreasing spend

Overall, some 47% of respondents say they have a positive view of generative AI, 42% say they have a neutral view, and 11% say they have a negative view.

Overall AI sentiment among employees whose companies plan to decrease AI investment

About the research: The report was based on data from a global survey of decision-makers and professionals who work for companies with 100 or more employees across 14 industries.

Published on September 6, 2023

Nikki L

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