Navigating the Sales Landscape in a Recession: Strategies for B2B

by Anthony Nicks The shadow of a possible recession looms large over the economy, a fog settling on the once-bright prospects of endless growth and prosperity. Sales, the lifeblood of any commercial enterprise, are particularly vulnerable during these economic downturns. In the B2B sector, the ripple effects of a recession can be both immediate and severe, as businesses tighten their belts and scrutinize every expenditure. Yet, while a recession presents undeniable challenges, it also offers an opportunity for strategic reevaluation and tactical adaptation. In this article we discuss the effects of a recession on sales and outlines strategies and tactics…

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Content Marketing During a Downturn: Here’s What the Conventional Wisdom Gets Wrong

By Sharla Moody for Contently Recession. Downturn. Economic uncertainty. When these words start to appear, conventional wisdom tells businesses to cut their marketing budgets. It turns out that advice is dead wrong. As multiple researchers have found over decades of studies, stopping your marketing efforts during tough times is a mistake. Data shows that proactive marketing “pays off” during recessions—for brands across industries, including the likes of Toyota, Amazon, Coca-Cola, etc. As two marketing professors put it in a 2020 Harvard Business Review article: “Firms that maintain their marketing spend while reallocating it to suit the context … fare better than firms that cut their marketing…

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