
Trojan horse SEO: How to gain traction in new markets

by Adam Tanguay  for Search Engine Land We all love Netflix binge-watching now, but do you remember how you first learned about Netflix? I’m guessing it wasn’t by typing “DVD mail rental subscription” into Google on a whim. And that represents a similar challenge for any business with a new or disruptive idea: how do you build engagement for something nobody knows exists? Luckily, there is an audience for your product or service, regardless if they already know it. And you do have a category, regardless of its keyword volume. Much like paid search practitioners occasionally like to borrow competitor clout and…

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My Client Is Always Late Paying Me

... and three other tricky workplace dilemmas. BY ALISON GREEN for Inc. Here's a roundup of answers to four questions from readers. 1. My client is always late paying me One of my clients, a creative agency, has always had issues paying my invoices on time, but it's getting worse. Every single time I send an invoice, I have to go back and remind them to pay me. It's a great company, but I'm starting to get frustrated that I can't send an invoice without having to follow up repeatedly. Sometimes they say they missed the invoice, sometimes they apologize, but I eventually always get paid.…

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Maximizing your event marketing impact

by LIZ CHRISTO for Dear Stage 2 DEAR STAGE 2: We’re starting to build out our budget for 2024 and events are under a lot of scrutiny. Historically, they have been very productive for our industry and get a lot of decision makers in the same room — however, it’s a big line item and my new company hasn’t seen success. Any tips to get the most of an event budget? Or thoughts on how to quantify the impact of this spend/channel? ~EVENTS ENTHUSIAST Get more year-end tips! DEAR EVENTS ENTHUSIAST: For the right event — and the right audience — we…

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How to Get to Inbox Zero in Gmail, Once and for All

by Lindsay Kolowich Cox for HubSpot We’re inundated with email daily — making it hard to keep track of tasks and manage your workflow. However, organizing your emails doesn’t have to be a pain. In fact, it’s possible to get your Gmail inbox to zero in as little as 15 minutes. While we can’t stop new emails from coming in, we can help you organize it better. → Download Now: The Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing I stumbled upon Andreas Klinger’s inbox zero method for Gmail years ago and his method still works for me to this day. In this post, I'll show…

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Want to Double the Chance of Getting a Response to Your Email? Make It Shorter

Research from a pair of Harvard professors shows people are dramatically more likely to respond to shorter emails. BY JESSICA STILLMAN for Inc. Sometimes all that stands between an entrepreneur and business success is getting the right person to read your email. Which is why tips and tricks to make your emails more compelling and increase your response rates are so valuable. There are plenty of good ones out there, but few are as easy to implement as one recently highlighted by a pair of Harvard researchers in their new book.  Half as many words leads to twice as many reads.  An excerpt of Writing for Busy Readers by…

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Improve Company Culture and Create an Engaged Workforce

By Cheri Wheeler for HR Daily Advisor Global Company Culture Day is here! Observed on September 18 every year, this day provides a unique opportunity for company leaders to take a step back from their business and evaluate their company’s culture. The answer to improving your company’s culture could be as simple as reviewing, and perhaps tweaking, the benefits your organization provides to its employees. Employees want to feel that their employer prioritizes their health and well-being. Investing in a strategic and thoughtful benefits package can lead to a positive work environment and engaged workforce, which ultimately benefits both employees…

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How to Mix Data Science and AI Without Expertise in Either (Expert Tips & Tools)

by Erica Santiago for HubSpot As a marketer, you‘ve likely noticed data’s importance in decision-making and strategizing. You're also probably tired of being bogged down with manually collecting and reporting data. Data science is integral to the marketing world, but time is money, and the time you spend working with large datasets could go toward performing other tasks, such as content marketing. Fortunately, artificial intelligence can blend with data science in many ways to make your job as a marketer easier without neglecting essential practices like data reporting. We will explore the connection between data science and AI and tools…

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6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Invest in Content Marketing (And Why You Should Ignore Them)

By Michael Brenner by Marketing Insider Group You’ve heard it all before: “Content is king,” “You need a blog,” “Invest in content marketing for long-term growth.” But what if we told you that you shouldn’t bother with content marketing at all? In fact, here are 6 compelling reasons why you should steer clear of it. But before you close this tab, stick around to find out why these reasons might be the very things that are holding you back from true business success. The Common Arguments Against Content Marketing Before diving into the reasons you’ve heard about why you shouldn’t…

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How to find ideal niche keywords

by Julia McCoy  for Search Engine Land You’ve been told time and again that knowing how to find ideal niche keywords is a game-changer. You nod, smile and pretend you understand. The truth? It’s all Greek to you. Your website looks like the digital equivalent of a ghost town – tumbleweeds included. Visitors are as rare as unicorns, and those who do stumble upon it leave faster than one can say “SEO.” Isn’t there more to this keyword thing than meets the eye? Absolutely!  Like finding Waldo in a sea of stripes, knowing how to find ideal niche keywords is about looking smarter,…

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