Tag drive growth

Stop Solving Problems

by SEBASTIAN CUERVO for 42 Slash Marketers love solving problems. If you spend more than 20 mins on LinkedIn or Twitter on any given day, you will notice a couple of clear story patterns that go something like this: I had a problem with this marketing process. I used this formula I developed or copied from top influencers to solve it. I found success. You can do it too. If you want to learn more, leave a comment (and chances are it becomes an endless spam sequence in your inbox). Or alternatively, you may also find the vulnerability pattern: I…

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Reimagining B2B Coaching

by JUSTIN MICHAEL for Justin's Newsletter A way of being before thinking and doing Sales coaching and training are broken. It's broken because it's focused at the surface level of doing. And that's Einstein’s definition of insanity. Surface level tactics repeated may hone in a new habit but in time, the gains fade and the results ebb. It's a proverb! Why? Because it actually works like this: below doing, is thinking, and beneath thinking is being. It's a cosmic layer cake of cause and effect. It's been called dharma. From acorns, oaks. An apple seed cannot become an apricot tree.…

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Demand Generation Demystified

by KAMIL REXTIN for 42 Slash What is Demand Generation? If you believe the gurus on social media selling services, demand generation is about putting out content, amplifying it with paid spend, and hoping your prospects come into the funnel.  Wishful thinking. Demand Generation (DG) is an umbrella that includes customer acquisition (channels, content, and strategies) and infrastructure (how do the systems and technologies support the revenue teams - for example, what happens once you implement a tool to help Sales & Marketing to be more efficient at generating revenue). DG, in our experience, is about understanding the job is done…

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How Superhuman Built an Engine to Find Product Market Fit

by Rahul Vohra, the founder and CEO of Superhuman We’ve all heard that product/market fit drives startup success — and that the lack thereof is what’s lurking behind almost every failure. For founders, achieving product/market fit is an obsession from day one. It’s both the hefty hurdle we’re racing to clear and the festering fear keeping us up at night, worried that we’ll never make it. But when it comes to understanding what product/market fit really is and how to get there, most of us quickly realize that there isn’t a battle-tested approach. In the summer of 2017, I was waist-deep in my search for a…

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Why Most Analytics Efforts Fail

by Crystal Widjaja for Reforge From 20K orders per day to 5M. Zero to 100 people in business intelligence. Eight to 85 people in growth. All in 4.5 years. It was a wild ride, but not one that many in the US startup scene are familiar with. This wasn't Uber or Lyft, but rather Gojek, Southeast Asia's largest Super App. For those unfamiliar with Gojek or Super Apps in general, the product serves all your on-demand needs. Ordering food, transportation, digital payments, hyper-local delivery, and a dozen other services. To give you a sense of scale, Gojek completes more daily…

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Marketing is neither science nor art.

by SEBASTIAN CUERVO AND ADRIENNE BARNES for 42 Slash Madmen's days of all-nighters, heavy drinking, smoking cigars and coming up with game-changer last minute slogans like "it's toasted" seem far gone when we think about digital marketing today. We are in a different moment where we have data points to back up our bets and make the best calls possible to ensure our solution resonates with the right customer at the right time.  Initially, many thought of marketing as an artistic, risky, and uncertain activity (literally something for mad men and women). Today, we find ourselves in a systematic, organized, and…

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