Reimagining B2B Coaching

Reimagining B2B Coaching

by JUSTIN MICHAEL for Justin’s Newsletter

A way of being before thinking and doing

Sales coaching and training are broken.

It’s broken because it’s focused at the surface level of doing. And that’s Einstein’s definition of insanity. Surface level tactics repeated may hone in a new habit but in time, the gains fade and the results ebb. It’s a proverb! Why?

Because it actually works like this: below doing, is thinking, and beneath thinking is being. It’s a cosmic layer cake of cause and effect. It’s been called dharma. From acorns, oaks. An apple seed cannot become an apricot tree.

Who are you being?

In the world, in business, deep down, with your prospects and clients.

Everything springs eternal from this concept which is in effect, spiritual. When I work with clients I shift their being from an intention of taking to giving, from selling to service. We develop and unblock their heart and soul to real altruism.

Once the damn bursts on giving, what happens? They become fully present in conversations because they are acting from that selfless place of love that is innate. They are naturally curious suddenly, infinitely so. Because they finally care for their fellow human not just targeting a prospect. The polarity finally starts to shift on every conversation.

This breakthrough is radical in a B2B context of warlike metaphors. It’s a practice of peace, without effort: sales Aikido. It’s cold calling calmly, detached, and seeking to help and give.

But you don’t “love” people. You’re an introvert. Prospects irritate the hell out of you. I chuckle here, we’ve all had that day, that month, even that year. Let’s inspect this a little closer.

The entire hallucination of modern life is an endless inner process of the formless throwing itself into form. Of mind, consciousness and thought. We have 70,000 thoughts per day, mainly negative, and we can choose to amplify or drop the positive or negative. Behind all the thinking is a stillness and from this place of the quiet mind, infinite insight.

When I coach I’m listening from a place of intuition and deep insight. When my clients hold discovery calls they are listening anew for the spaces in between, reading the person in front of them at a level of beingness.

We are all one people united by our common humanity. Peace can only be the answer. Therefore selling can only be helping. It must be serene like a glassy lake and bringing this presence and power to people to calm their chaos, to be a port in their storm.

The shift you experience embracing this is dramatic.

Every strategy and tactic you could ever desire manifests from it within the moment. The now.

Sales is the transference of belief. Why bother if what you sell is valueless. Get into a company where you are passionate about your solution’s ability to transform customers. Find an industry where you ‘like’ the prospects. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Maybe Sandler would say I’m wrong, but I get tremendous daily fulfillment just chatting with people and genuinely helping them improve their lives.

I create conversations. I create clients inside conversations. All day every day. Timeless.

The commercial element is just a biproduct. Since adopting the philosophy in this writing, my earnings have taken off in an unstoppable fashion despite the constant doomscroll of the End Times we’re living in. What a better time than right now to thrive in the chaos.

If you’d like to learn to sell from a place of being vs. Positive Thinking (temporary), manipulation or surface tactics, I’ve written my magnum opus currently sitting at 30,000 words. It fuses concepts from B2B, B2C, Eastern and Western philosophy with my 20+ years selling software and services, working 1:1 with thousands of executives. I’m on my 9th life so you don’t have to be.

A client I worked with reported his first $40K month yesterday leveraging JMM: Justin Michael Method. Full methodology is releasing in 2024. Let me know if you’d like to read the preview and I’ll share. Maybe B2B would look wildly different if we simply realized the truth:

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Nikki L

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