How AI Will Reshape HR in 2025

By Louise Willoughby, In recent years, the HR world has felt the strong influence of AI, forcing leaders to rethink how technology can enhance their roles and team strategies. Starting in late 2022, with the unveiling of ChatGPT and the explosion of the AI hype cycle, HR leaders have been scrambling to integrate this technology into their operations. In doing so, they’ve been faced with fundamental questions about the field. What, in the end, is HR for? And how exactly can advanced technology help practitioners accomplish their aims more effectively? It has always been clear that AI was never going…

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Therapy for ChatGPT? How to reduce AI ‘anxiety’

by University of Zurich Distressing news and traumatic stories can cause stress and anxiety—not only in humans, but also in AI language models, such as ChatGPT. Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich have now shown that these models, like humans, respond to therapy: an elevated "anxiety level" in GPT-4 can be "calmed down" using mindfulness-based relaxation techniques. Research shows that AI language models, such as ChatGPT, are sensitive to emotional content, especially if it is negative, such as stories of trauma or statements about depression. When people are scared, it affects their cognitive and…

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ChatGPT makes links more prominent

by Danny Goodwin for Search Engine Land ChatGPT now features “more prominent” links to sources in its responses for paid users, OpenAI announced. Links won’t appear in the free version of ChatGPT, however. Why we care. Brands, SEOs and content creators of all sizes have been extremely considered about the parasitic nature of generative AI. Large AI companies like OpenAI have consumed large amounts of web content and provided answers without attribution. The addition of links is a step in the right direction. However, it’s unknown whether people will actually click on those links. What it looks like. The links (or citations)…

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I Asked ChatGPT to Write 5 Types of Counteroffer Emails — Here’s What I Got

by Sam Lauron for HubSpot You've made it through multiple rounds of interviews, the hiring team has selected you as their top candidate, and they’ve made you an offer. But you aren’t quite satisfied with all of the terms. This is where a counteroffer comes in. Counteroffers are expected. If you haven’t written a counteroffer email before or feel like it’s not something you need to do, it may be time to reconsider. According to a survey from Fidelity Investments, 85% of people who make a counteroffer receive at least some of what they negotiated. This can include an adjustment to…

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11 ChatGPT Prompts for Super-Optimized Copywriting

By Lauren Basiura for Marketing Insider Group At Marketing Insider Group, we’ve been exploring the world of AI for quite a while. And let’s just say, we’ve gathered some valuable insights along the way. Now, we all know AI isn’t a cure-all for every marketing challenge. It’s not going to magically solve all our problems (though we all wish it could). But it is an incredibly useful tool that can simplify our lives in the content creation arena. Our journey with AI has been full of learning curves, and we’ve become quite adept at crafting prompts that get the best out of…

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Humans prefer AI-generated copy, survey finds

by Danny Goodwin for Search Engine Land Humans are more likely to prefer content generated by AI than written by a human, according to a surprising new survey. Why we care. While AI can’t entirely replace humans in content creation, clearly generative AI can create content that resonates with consumers. Generative AI 6, humans 0. In six AI- vs. human-generated content battles, the generative AI version “won” each. Here’s an example of one such battle, where the task was to write an introduction for a blog post about the best cat food for indoor cats. AI won 54% to 46%: In the…

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How We Use ChatGPT to Make Our Content Better

By Lauren Basiura for Marketing Insider Group Let’s face it, relying solely on AI to produce great content for humans is a bit like expecting a robot to write a bestselling novel – it may be possible eventually, but we’re definitely not there yet. However, ChatGPT can serve up some pretty good starting points. At Marketing Insider Group, we know the importance of adding extra flair to our content, and ChatGPT has proven to be a fantastic sous-chef in the content kitchen. By taking what ChatGPT offers and infusing it with our unique insights and expertise, we’re turning ‘good’ into ‘great’. Join us…

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How to Train Your ChatGPT — A Marketer’s Guide

by Ankit Vora for HubSpot If it’s your first time using ChatGPT, your answers may sound stilted. The program doesn’t know your voice and is trying to learn what you want. If you want to get the best results, you’ll need to invest time in training the algorithm. Think of ChatGPT like an intern. If it’s their first day, they won’t know exactly how to get the job done. However, with practice and clear instructions, you’ll be amazed by what they can accomplish. Free Report: The State of Artificial Intelligence in 2023 Our guide on how to train ChatGPT will…

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[Research Round-Up] Where AI In Marketing Stands In Mid-2023

by B2B Marketing Directions (This month's Research Round-Up discusses two recent surveys that examine how marketers are using artificial intelligence in mid-2023. These surveys explore the extent of AI adoption in the marketing industry, the use cases and expected benefits of AI, and marketers' concerns and uncertainties about AI.) Source:  Marketing AI Institute/Drift 2023 State of Marketing AI Report by the Marketing AI Institute and Drift 918 survey respondents, 61% of whom were director-level or above 53% of the respondents were affiliated with B2B companies - another 35% said their company is both B2B and B2C Respondents represented over 20 industries - 41% worked…

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Was it Written by AI? How You Can Tell, According to HubSpotters

by Erin Rodrigue for HubSpot In school, I learned the basics of good writing — keep it short, concise, and grammatically correct.  By that definition, AI-written content should be good, right? Yet, when I play around with tools like ChatGPT, I notice a few red flags.  Sure, it's grammatically correct, but it gives off serious "corporate speak" vibes. It follows a logical sequence, but it often goes on lengthy tangents. And while its responses may be accurate, it often lacks a unique perspective. This isn't to suggest AI-written content is inherently bad. But if you plan to leverage AI for content…

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