Archive June 7, 2024

Is There Management Potential for AI?

By Lin Grensing-Pophal for HR Daily Advisor The traditional image of a manager is being reimagined in the digital era as artificial intelligence (AI) begins to carve out its role not just as a tool but also as a team member. A recent pilot study conducted by Inspira AI in collaboration with academic experts sheds light on an intriguing development: AI’s success in enhancing workplace productivity and fostering positive work habits. AI Improving Productivity This study looked at AI tools’ ability to improve employee productivity and habit formation. Over the course of the research, which involved 27 employees from a digital marketing…

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You’re Doing Digital PR All Wrong: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

By Lauren Basiura for Marketing Insider Group PR isn’t as simple as it used to be. We used to only focus on newspapers and TV, creating perfect press releases and building one-on-one relationships with journalists. But now, PR pros and business folks need to juggle a whole lot—SEO, social media, influencer schmoozing, you name it. It’s not just about pumping out press releases or sweet-talking journalists anymore. You’ve got to keep your finger on the pulse of online chatter and trends, too. Miss a beat, and you could find yourself in hot water, with one social media slip-up or a…

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How to fix a huge traffic drop after rebranding

by Adam Riemer  for Search Engine Land Rebranding happens when companies grow or face big PR problems. As a marketer and SEO expert, you’ll deal with it due to acquisitions, executive decisions or investor demands. Regardless of the reason, traffic will drop when things go wrong. But don’t panic. Both branded and non-branded traffic can be recovered. It depends on the cause of the loss and what you do next. Below are common situations in which we’ve helped clients regain traffic post-rebranding, sorted by situation and traffic drop types.  I’ve also included non-SEO things to look for so your company can save…

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Google Makes It Official: Content Marketing Is Now the #1 Ranking Factor

By Michael Brenner for Marketing Insider Group Google’s thrown down the gauntlet: Content marketing is king of the SEO hill. If your business has been slow to give content marketing the crown in your marketing strategy, it’s time to hustle. The folks at Google aren’t being subtle about it. Their SEO Starter Guide is pretty clear: Awesome content influences your site more than any other factor. We’re talking blogs, tweets, emails, forum chats, you name it. Not convinced? The numbers speak for themselves. Content marketing can shoot your conversion rates through the roof, costing 62% less than traditional marketing while offering six times the…

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The Science of Productivity: How to Get More Done in a Day

by Kayla Schilthuis-Ihrig for HubSpot It’s estimated that a shocking 60% (or less) of work time is spent productively, according to Atlassian. Time is our scarcest resource, yet we spend so much of it doing things that are unproductive — usually without meaning to. Emails, meetings, endless notifications... We’re indeed being pulled in more directions than ever before, but it’s not just technology holding us back from making the most of our time. In many cases, we are the ones responsible for our own lack of productivity. As a freelance remote worker, I’ve had to tango with my self-sabotaging productivity quirks more…

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