Was it Written by AI? How You Can Tell, According to HubSpotters

by Erin Rodrigue for HubSpot In school, I learned the basics of good writing — keep it short, concise, and grammatically correct.  By that definition, AI-written content should be good, right? Yet, when I play around with tools like ChatGPT, I notice a few red flags.  Sure, it's grammatically correct, but it gives off serious "corporate speak" vibes. It follows a logical sequence, but it often goes on lengthy tangents. And while its responses may be accurate, it often lacks a unique perspective. This isn't to suggest AI-written content is inherently bad. But if you plan to leverage AI for content…

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Top 3 AI Tools for High-Quality Content Creation

by Cynthia Ramsaran for Search Engine Land A lot has been said about content creation through AI—most notably that the key to creating value lies in incorporating personal experiences and expertise. Many tech platforms include the newest AI and neuromarketing advancements for content creation, and each platform offers its own benefits to stand out from the others. At Fueld, we found that using a combination of ChatGPT, Neuroflash, and Jasper optimizes the results. By combining those three tools, you can create content of the best quality and accuracy. In this article, we'll share our technique to help you create high-quality AI-generated content…

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Top 3 AI Tools for High-Quality Content Creation

by Marielle Dellemijn for MarketingProfs A lot has been said about content creation through AI—most notably that the key to creating value lies in incorporating personal experiences and expertise. Many tech platforms include the newest AI and neuromarketing advancements for content creation, and each platform offers its own benefits to stand out from the others. At Fueld, we found that using a combination of ChatGPT, Neuroflash, and Jasper optimizes the results. By combining those three tools, you can create content of the best quality and accuracy. In this article, we'll share our technique to help you create high-quality AI-generated content without having to…

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What Is Generative AI and How Can Marketers Use It Now?

By Michael Brenner  for Marketing Insider Group Have you ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering how your competitors are churning out fresh content at lightning speed? It’s like they’ve got a secret weapon, right? Well, they do, and it’s called generative AI. Brainstorming ideas, crafting engaging copy, and then doing it all over again–it’s a never-ending cycle. Generative AI has the power to speed up the process and still produce top-notch content. It’s also capable of providing valuable insights that can help you better understand and serve your audience. In this post, we’re discussing why every marketer should be using Generative AI…

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10 Ways Marketers Can Use AI to Improve Sales

by Linda Emma for MarketingProfs AI is here to stay, in spite of recent tech overtures to put on the brakes. Whether you choose to ignore it, embrace it, or teeter in between depends on where you intend to take your business. But if everyone else is onboard and you're not, don't expect to be thrown a life ring when your choice leaves you treading water. Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can help you define and home in on your ideal client, build marketing campaigns, measure results, and plan for the future. Try these 10 ways to use AI to…

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11 best AI writer apps of June 2023 (Top Picks)

by Marketer Milk Team A successful content marketing operation needs three things — a good strategy, a good writer, and a good SEO assistant. Luckily, technology has advanced and we now have AI writers at our disposal. Let’s just say it — writers can be excessively proud people (this writer certainly can). They often believe they don’t need or benefit from outside assistance, from interfering editors to spell-checkers that keep defaulting to the wrong language. However, even the most self-reliant or awkward of scribes already uses technical tools to ply their trade. Word’s built-in error-correcting abilities, reputable online dictionaries and…

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AI Applications Across 12 Different Industries

by Flori Needle for HubSpot Some businesses have used AI for years; others were prompted by the recent AI gold rush to jump on the train. AI’s applications are far and wide as every business can leverage it differently to meet their goals. In this post, we’ll review AI application examples across 12 industries. AI Applications Examples AI has transformed the business landscape as time-saving tools complete tasks and help make data-backed decisions. Virtually all industries can benefit from AI, from medical providers to students pursuing an education. Below we’ll go over how AI applies to the three main business…

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Dumb advice that works

by The B2B Growth Newsletter Hi all — This week, I’m reflecting on a conversation I have with *literally* every founder. What do your buyers want to buy? Very few buyers want to buy software. Why? They already have a lot of software Most of their software sucks They associate software with a lot of things that aren’t good → There are a billion different software companies with virtually identical websites, how the hell am I supposed to decide? Why do I have to talk to a 22-year-old who doesn’t know anything before I can talk to a 28-year-old who’s…

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The 6 Risks of AI Content

by Ryan Law for Animalz There are already plenty of use cases for generative AI in marketing. Industry and article research. Getting to first draft faster. Creating content briefs. Brainstorming titles and headers, angles, and introductions. Programmatic SEO, at a scale and sophistication previously hard to imagine. Repurposing content from one format to another. Personalizing ABM campaigns. These use cases have risks associated with them. There is the risk of factual inaccuracy and hallucination. Risk of copyright infringement and legal challenges. Risk of Google penalization. Risk of mediocrity and pumping out a ton of content that doesn’t help the bottom line.…

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