Tag time management

Help with time management?!

by LIZ CHRISTO for Dear Stage 2 DEAR STAGE 2: I was recently promoted into a sales manager role. I had a great routine when I was an AE, but am struggling to adjust to this new schedule —there are a lot more meetings and more people who need my time. I get to the end of each day and still have a full inbox and a long to do list. What advice do you have for someone making this transition? ~When do I actually do work? DEAR WHEN DO I ACTUALLY DO WORK?: Welcome to sales management! Your time is no…

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25 Email Management Tips To Claim Back Your Time

by Zoe Ashbridge for HubSpot Approximately 333.2 billion emails were sent in 2022 — and every single one demands time. Every time you head over to your inbox, it impacts your productivity and takes you out of a deep focus. To help you get your concentration and productivity back, we're sharing email management tips and tricks to keep you focused. Read on to learn how to control your inbox instead of having it run your life. You'll also learn exactly how to implement these simple email management tips. Let's dive in. Email Management Tips Shut off your notifications. Work offline. Schedule specific times during…

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Save 20 Hours a Week, Remove These 4 Things NOW!

As a blogger, author, and investor, it's Darius Foroux's job to Get Things Done. But, in this article, he suggests that you "do less. Remove things. That’s because time is limited....So let’s remove all those inconsequential things to make space for things that actually matter." Step one, he suggests, is throwing your "to do" list out the window. 'Always ask yourself: “What’s the top 3–4 most important things that make the most significant impact on my life and career?” You don’t need a to-do list to remember those things. And you can focus that time and energy on execution instead of obsessing…

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