How to get ahead of 99% of people in twelve months

the average person

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career or business? Do you want to achieve massive success and get ahead of the competition? Look no further than these lesser-known strategies that most people aren't talking about. According to a recent Medium article, only 1% of people actually achieve their goals, leaving the remaining 99% feeling unfulfilled and stuck. But it doesn't have to be that way. By implementing these strategies, you can get ahead of the competition and achieve the success you deserve. The first strategy is to focus on personal growth. This means investing in yourself and constantly…

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Save 20 Hours a Week, Remove These 4 Things NOW!

As a blogger, author, and investor, it's Darius Foroux's job to Get Things Done. But, in this article, he suggests that you "do less. Remove things. That’s because time is limited....So let’s remove all those inconsequential things to make space for things that actually matter." Step one, he suggests, is throwing your "to do" list out the window. 'Always ask yourself: “What’s the top 3–4 most important things that make the most significant impact on my life and career?” You don’t need a to-do list to remember those things. And you can focus that time and energy on execution instead of obsessing…

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