Boost HR Tasks With Generative AI

By Lin Grensing-Pophal Jody Hay is director of HR at TA Services where, he says, the company has “embraced Generative AI as a valuable tool to enhance HR functions, including training and development, content creation, and employee engagement analysis.” But he’s quick to add, that doesn’t mean that the human has been removed from human resources. “While we still rely on human oversight and expertise, AI has significantly increased our efficiency and effectiveness in certain key areas.” Hay explains how GenAI is being used in several areas to gain efficiencies. Job Analysis and Course Material Creation “One of the biggest time savers has…

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I Tried Three Generative AI CRMs: Here Are My Thoughts

by Zoe Ashbridge AI is becoming a core part of CRM systems. Considering the time-saving benefits, it’s unsurprising that generative AI CRMs can be incredibly valuable in helping businesses grow. I’ve already written an article on CRMs with AI, but I wanted to take my curiosity about AI and CRM one step further. So, in this article, I’m focusing specifically on three generative AI CRMs, how generative AI can improve the sales process, and much more. While researching this article, I’ve tried to find unique ways of using generative AI in CRMs. I’ve also spoken to people using it in their…

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11 ChatGPT Prompts for Super-Optimized Copywriting

By Lauren Basiura for Marketing Insider Group At Marketing Insider Group, we’ve been exploring the world of AI for quite a while. And let’s just say, we’ve gathered some valuable insights along the way. Now, we all know AI isn’t a cure-all for every marketing challenge. It’s not going to magically solve all our problems (though we all wish it could). But it is an incredibly useful tool that can simplify our lives in the content creation arena. Our journey with AI has been full of learning curves, and we’ve become quite adept at crafting prompts that get the best out of…

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Humans prefer AI-generated copy, survey finds

by Danny Goodwin for Search Engine Land Humans are more likely to prefer content generated by AI than written by a human, according to a surprising new survey. Why we care. While AI can’t entirely replace humans in content creation, clearly generative AI can create content that resonates with consumers. Generative AI 6, humans 0. In six AI- vs. human-generated content battles, the generative AI version “won” each. Here’s an example of one such battle, where the task was to write an introduction for a blog post about the best cat food for indoor cats. AI won 54% to 46%: In the…

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How to integrate generative AI in your SEO

by Marcus Miller for Search Engine Land As the initial buzz around AI dies down, the practical use of generative AI is now well-established in the content creation world.  In theory, this creates a huge content marketing opportunity. However, as we are seeing, there are many pitfalls from an SEO perspective.  This article outlines how we are primed to make such mistakes, ways Google has tackled this historically and how to safely integrate generative AI in your SEO and content marketing.  Pitfalls and problems Human beings are hardwired to seek the path of least resistance.  Generative AI tools seemingly make it easy…

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Generative AI: What Keeps Me Up at Night

by Chad S. White for MarketingProfs During the opening session of the B2B Forum this year, MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley wowed and pumped up the crowd with an empathetic Barbie-inspired B2Barbie presentation. The overall message: B2B marketers are often held to impossible standards and underappreciated despite their hard work and smarts. Ann's point of view was crystal clear... But then generative AI took the stage, and attendees could be forgiven if they felt they weren't "Kenough"... unless they used generative AI to create a digital clone of themselves to work alongside them. In a particularly chilling moment, Ann asked Trust…

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Was it Written by AI? How You Can Tell, According to HubSpotters

by Erin Rodrigue for HubSpot In school, I learned the basics of good writing — keep it short, concise, and grammatically correct.  By that definition, AI-written content should be good, right? Yet, when I play around with tools like ChatGPT, I notice a few red flags.  Sure, it's grammatically correct, but it gives off serious "corporate speak" vibes. It follows a logical sequence, but it often goes on lengthy tangents. And while its responses may be accurate, it often lacks a unique perspective. This isn't to suggest AI-written content is inherently bad. But if you plan to leverage AI for content…

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12 Useful ChatGPT Tone Modifiers for AI-Generated Content [Infographic]

by Ayaz Nanji for MarketingProfs Does the text feel a little off when ChatGPT creates content for your business? The solution may be to improve your prompts with tone modifiers—phrases that help the AI program understand exactly what you want. An infographic (below) from Red Website Design and Evolution Unleashed covers 12 key tone modifiers that can improve AI-generated content. For each prompt, it provides an overview of its impact on content, looks at some common use cases, and shows an example output. Check out the infographic:

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The B2B generative AI design shootout: Part 2

by Brian Terry for Velocity Generative AI is having its moment in the sun — and it’s casting a menacing shadow over the creative industries while it does it. The trouble is, too much of the conversation focuses on whether generative AI will replace creatives entirely (by generating images, copy and code from scratch). We think a better question to ask is: How could generative AI make creatives better? Generative AI may one day be able to take on a fully-fledged designer — or it could fall flat on its originality-deficient face. But spotlighting the ways AI fails to totally…

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The B2B generative AI design shootout: Part 1.

by Brian Terry for Velocity Generative AI is having its moment in the sun — and it’s casting a menacing shadow over the creative industries while it does it. The trouble is, too much of the conversation focuses on whether generative AI will replace creatives entirely (by generating images, copy and code from scratch). We think a better question to ask is: How could generative AI make creatives better? Generative AI may one day be able to take on a fully-fledged designer — or it could fall flat on its originality-deficient face. But spotlighting the ways AI fails to totally…

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