B2B demand generation is a must for SaaS and tech companies

by Andy Alagappan B2B demand generation is a must for SaaS and tech companies. Strategies and tactics to draw in potential clients and convert them must keep up with the ever-changing tech world. To get started, you must understand your target audience. Identify their issues and show how your service or product is the answer. Research and analyze the competition to get the most out of your product placement. Build a strong online presence. Utilize digital marketing channels like content marketing, SEO, social media, and email campaigns. Educate and entertain prospects with your content - this will create trust and credibility. Lead nurturing strategies are key…

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Demand Generation Demystified

by KAMIL REXTIN for 42 Slash What is Demand Generation? If you believe the gurus on social media selling services, demand generation is about putting out content, amplifying it with paid spend, and hoping your prospects come into the funnel.  Wishful thinking. Demand Generation (DG) is an umbrella that includes customer acquisition (channels, content, and strategies) and infrastructure (how do the systems and technologies support the revenue teams - for example, what happens once you implement a tool to help Sales & Marketing to be more efficient at generating revenue). DG, in our experience, is about understanding the job is done…

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