
When Your Employee Isn’t Reaching Their Full Potential

by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Dorie Clark for Harvard Business Review You’ve seen flashes of real competence — maybe even occasional brilliance — in your employee. So why are they failing to live up to that potential? As a leader who cares about cultivating your employees’ skills, abilities, and professional growth trajectory, it can be enormously frustrating to feel that they’re not taking the initiative to do more with their talents. At times, you may even wonder if it’s a question of knowledge or willpower: Do they not understand what’s necessary to perform at their best? Or are they just unmotivated? Obviously,…

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ChatGPT Traffic and Usage Is Down. Why The Hype Has Started To Fade

By Sophie Brenner for Marketing Insider Group AI generated content and chatbots have taken the world by storm this year. After a few months, though, the seemingly flawless piece of technology is starting to lose its credibility as it continues to be proven lacking in certain areas. Source: Fortune (July 19, 2023) Read on to find out how and why the hype behind AI is fading. Quick Takeaways: AI-generated content has limitations such as misinformation, lack of creativity, and biased information. Ethical concerns highlight the need for responsible use and regulation of AI-generated content. AI cannot fully replace human creativity and intervention in…

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ChatGPT Traffic and Usage Is Down. Why The Hype Has Started To Fade

By Sophie Brenner for Marketing Inside Group AI generated content and chatbots have taken the world by storm this year. After a few months, though, the seemingly flawless piece of technology is starting to lose its credibility as it continues to be proven lacking in certain areas. Source: Fortune (July 19, 2023) Read on to find out how and why the hype behind AI is fading. Quick Takeaways: AI-generated content has limitations such as misinformation, lack of creativity, and biased information. Ethical concerns highlight the need for responsible use and regulation of AI-generated content. AI cannot fully replace human creativity and intervention in…

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How to Get Your Company Started With Generative AI

BY PETER COHAN for INC. Generative AI -- technology that creates text, images, video, and computer code by identifying patterns in training data, and creating original material, according to the The New York Times -- is gaining traction among users. For example, since launching in November 2022, Chat GPT -- GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer -- gained over 100 million users in its first two months, according to the Washington Post.  Should your company use ChatGPT? It is not a foregone conclusion. As the Post reported in June 2023, mobile and desktop traffic to ChatGPT's website worldwide fell 9.7 percent from the month before.  There are several possible reasons --…

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Marketing campaigns win big when performance and creative tango together

by Lisa Dare for Velocity Close Get the newsletter Raw, unfiltered, too-hot-for-Wordpress B2B marketing insights, straight to your inbox, every month. I hereby opt in to Velocity’s marketing crap. (Read our privacy policy to see what that means.)SubscribeSubscribe Every now and then, someone posts a great Twitter thread like this comparing older, more conceptual ads against their newer, info-intensive counterparts. And without fail, it reignites the debate over creative vs. performance marketing.  While creatives like to romanticize a time when imagination ruled supreme, most ads today anxiously get straight to the facts, ma’am. Sometimes we see these needs as opposed:  Clarity vs. cleverness  Features…

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How to use AI and Chrome extensions for quick SEO wins

by Lauren Busby for Search Engine Land In a fast-paced industry like SEO, quick wins are a constant challenge. How can you efficiently enhance rankings and drive growth for your website or clients? This article covers seven actionable, quick SEO wins achieved by combining AI-powered tools (like ChatGPT and Google Bard) with Chrome extensions.  1. Optimize titles and descriptions for improved click-through rates Optimizing your title tags for target keywords is one of the quickest ways to improve your rankings in Google. Getting to the top of the SERP is only half the battle. Your title and meta description must also entice visitors…

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You can’t eliminate bias within your marketing team

by SEBASTIAN CUERVO, , AND RITOBAN MUKHERJEE for 42 Slash “SEO is dead.” “Lead generation is dead.” “Ebooks are dead.” Stop me if you haven’t heard some variation of these statements repeated over and over on social media. But often, the so-called experts promoting dogmas on LinkedIn have very little marketing experience themselves, have never worked in an in-house marketing team at a startup, or have a product to sell that benefits from that exact narrative. Marketing is neither art nor science. It’s a culmination of both, with different strategies and playbooks that work across different markets. What works for B2B enterprise may…

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Generative AI and Customer-Centricity: How Three Companies Use Generative AI to Connect with Their Customers [And How You Can, Too]

by Adam Bai for HubSpot The dominant story of 2023 for salespeople, marketers, and content creators has been the rise of generative AI. ChatGPT, the application based on OpenAI’s Large Language Model (LLM), now has the fastest adoption rate in history, reaching 100 million daily active users within two months of launch. Yet most sales reps and marketers still use generative AI tools on an ad hoc basis to generate content — from email drafts to talking points, and ad copy to new product designs. And many haven’t yet experimented with generative AI at all. There's a major, often overlooked area of opportunity…

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How to Create a Unique, Relatable Brand as a Content Creator

by Erica Santiago for HubSpot When diving into content creation, most upcoming creators tend to focus on the materials they need, such as cameras, lighting, and an optimal place to record. All that is crucial to creating high-quality content, but there is one more thing creators need — a personal brand. What makes you stand out as a content creator? How do you create a content creator brand audiences can trust? We will explore what a personal brand is, why it's essential, and how to create a content creator brand. What is a personal brand? A personal brand is how…

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How relying on LLMs can lead to SEO disaster

by Jess Peck  for Search Engine Land “ChatGPT can pass the bar.”  “GPT gets an A+ on all exams.” “GPT gets through MIT entrance exam with flying colors.” How many of you have recently read articles claiming something like the above? I know I have seen a ton of these. It seems like every day, there’s a new thread claiming that GPT is almost Skynet, close to artificial general intelligence or better than people.  I was recently asked, “Why doesn’t ChatGPT respect my word count input? It’s a computer, right? A reasoning engine? Surely, it should be able to count…

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