Which Jobs Are (Currently) Safest from an AI Takeover?

By Lin Grensing-Pophal for HR Daily Advisor Like it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. While many do like it, many others have concerns, including employees who may fear AI has the potential to replace them. Still, certain roles remain uniquely human, resisting the AI takeover. A recent article from BBC Worklife delves into this important topic, highlighting jobs that are currently safe from AI’s reach. Jobs Most Likely to Be AI-Resistant As you might imagine, the jobs safest from takeover by artificial intelligence are those that continue to rely most heavily on good, old-fashioned human intelligence. These are roles that require uniquely human qualities…

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Use AI to turn your calls into a competitive advantage

by CallRail  for Search Engine Land It might be surprising to learn that artificial intelligence (AI) has existed for over 70 years, but it’s only recently that the technology has become so advanced—and so widely available, in nearly everyone’s pocket. AI is especially promising for marketers as it allows them to do many tasks faster and more strategically than ever before. There are dozens of use cases for how marketers use AI—everything from competitive research and content generation to campaign optimization and marketing automation. Critically, this new generation of AI includes explosive advancements in the realm of speech recognition and conversation…

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[Research Round-Up] Where AI In Marketing Stands In Mid-2023

by B2B Marketing Directions (This month's Research Round-Up discusses two recent surveys that examine how marketers are using artificial intelligence in mid-2023. These surveys explore the extent of AI adoption in the marketing industry, the use cases and expected benefits of AI, and marketers' concerns and uncertainties about AI.) Source:  Marketing AI Institute/Drift 2023 State of Marketing AI Report by the Marketing AI Institute and Drift 918 survey respondents, 61% of whom were director-level or above 53% of the respondents were affiliated with B2B companies - another 35% said their company is both B2B and B2C Respondents represented over 20 industries - 41% worked…

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Was it Written by AI? How You Can Tell, According to HubSpotters

by Erin Rodrigue for HubSpot In school, I learned the basics of good writing — keep it short, concise, and grammatically correct.  By that definition, AI-written content should be good, right? Yet, when I play around with tools like ChatGPT, I notice a few red flags.  Sure, it's grammatically correct, but it gives off serious "corporate speak" vibes. It follows a logical sequence, but it often goes on lengthy tangents. And while its responses may be accurate, it often lacks a unique perspective. This isn't to suggest AI-written content is inherently bad. But if you plan to leverage AI for content…

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12 Useful ChatGPT Tone Modifiers for AI-Generated Content [Infographic]

by Ayaz Nanji for MarketingProfs Does the text feel a little off when ChatGPT creates content for your business? The solution may be to improve your prompts with tone modifiers—phrases that help the AI program understand exactly what you want. An infographic (below) from Red Website Design and Evolution Unleashed covers 12 key tone modifiers that can improve AI-generated content. For each prompt, it provides an overview of its impact on content, looks at some common use cases, and shows an example output. Check out the infographic:

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The Future of AI in Corporate eLearning

By Robert Porter for HR Daily Advisor Since the dawn of 2023, AI has become the dominant topic of discussion in business, technology, medicine, education, engineering, design, the arts, and public policy—nearly everywhere. Corporate eLearning is no exception, with generative AI tools already available that can aid instructional designers and architects of eLearning platforms. Much of the focus this year has been on Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude. These tools allow anyone to generate text with a prompt. Even during the early availability of ChatGPT, these capabilities were demonstrated for tasks, including generating scenarios for training…

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What is the best generative AI tool for writing PR content?

by Greg Jarboe for Search Engine Land Ever wondered which is the best generative AI tool for writing PR content? I have just finished conducting a series of tests to determine just that and found that the post generated by Bard produced:  Slightly better results than a post I had written from scratch. Significantly better results than the post by ChatGPT. Dramatically better results than Claude 2. This article reveals more details about the tests and the result we weren’t expecting but upstaged the three industry-leading chatbots. Testing the best generative AI tool for PR content In August, Katie Delahaye Paine, CEO of Paine…

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The AI Conundrum: Should B2B Communicators Embrace ChatGPT?

by Judith Ingleton-Beer for MarketingProfs ChatGPT made history as the fastest-growing online platform; and, as of this writing, it has just 0.03% paid visitor traffic. It has left B2B marketers and PR professionals scratching their heads and questioning just what the AI development means for their future business, sales, and marketing strategies. The AI debate has set the scene for polarizing discussions in B2B communications. At the beginning of 2023, online polls asking how communications pros intended to use ChatGPT received divided results. Many said they would let the generative AI tool write press releases or provide customer service responses, but others…

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7 AI Applications for Small Businesses to Use in 2023

Posted by Tim Ito for marketing nice guys There is no doubt in our minds that 2023 is the year of the machine. This isn’t just big business using artificial intelligence and machine learning for deeper data discovery, it’s everyone. With the spread of AI to common applications such as ChatGPT, the technology is now more accessible than ever. What are some applications to take advantage of if you’re a small business? Here are 7 suggestions to start using today. No. 1: Chatbots (Website) Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially on a business’ website. They can be used…

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4 Effective Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage AI

By: Jacqueline Medina for the US Chamber of Commerce Business is more digital than ever, and small- and medium-sized businesses are finding new ways to optimize their operations with artificial intelligence (AI) tools. “Artificial intelligence is the future,” said Rick Stanbridge, chief information officer of Marco’s Pizza. “It will become a mainstream element of enterprise-level and cloud technology platforms along with machine learning. The companies that will succeed will be the ones that are able to balance the value of AI with the value of 'human' resources, connections and interactions.” Using AI, businesses can manage and improve products, automate services and be proactive…

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