by Matt Roberts for MarketingProfs Generative AI is huge, and it's everywhere. Bloomberg predicts AI spend will hit $1.3 trillion by 2032. Microsoft is investing $14 billion in Open AI. And Netflix has hired a director of AI at $900K a year—which shows me I'm clearly in the wrong profession. And which corporate function will be most affected by AI, across all industries? You may (or may not) be surprised that it's Sales and Marketing. How will the incredibly promising technology hit Marketing? Although some fear jobs will be lost to AI, most marketers are taking a rosier view. A full 71% of them say AI…
Google’s 2023 releases: A B2B marketer’s review
by Laura Schiele for Search Engine Land As 2023 draws near a close, marketers have to admit this about Google: they’ve been busy. Between Bard/SGE headlines and antitrust lawsuit admissions of auction gaming, Google has produced its usual share of releases. Sadly for B2B, most are either aimed at ecommerce/B2C or represent minor improvements that don’t make up for the advertising controls Google has stripped or the glaring lack of transparency behind auctions and pricing. With that as the backdrop, I’ll review some of Google’s bigger releases in 2023 before adding a plea for a few updates I think could actually help B2B marketing…
The Power of Context in B2B Buying, and What That Means for Marketers
by B2B Marketing Directions The context in which people consider buying something has a significant impact on how the buying decision is made and on what is (or isn't) ultimately bought. Hundreds of research studies conducted by cognitive scientists over the past four-plus decades have shown that contextual factors can affect everything from how we react to marketing messages and offers, to how we perceive specific products or services, to how we make buying decisions. More recently, neuroscientists have used functional MRI technologies to identify the specific areas of the brain that are activated under various decision-making conditions. This research…
From Traditional B2B Company to A.I.-First Firm
BY MOHAMMAD TAREEQ for INC. Disruptions in business are inevitable. Some are natural, while others are manufactured. Take Covid-19, for example. It forced decision makers to reevaluate their strategies and business models. In some cases, it meant ditching the entire blueprint. Be it the surge of data in the last decade, the rise of information technology in the early '90s, or the adoption of mass media in the late 19th and 20th centuries, every disruption brought forth an unconformity that marked the evolving economic landscape. And who survived these changes? The early adopters and the innovators who dared to take a chance. What, then, marks this decade?…
How Can Personalization Improve B2B Sales?
by Marco Giunta, originally posted on LinkedIn Understanding the Role of Personalization in B2B Sales Exploring the Impact of Customized Experiences "In today's competitive market, personalization is not just a luxury—it's a pivotal factor in our B2B sales strategy." Why is personalization crucial in B2B sales? Personalization in B2B sales is crucial because it allows businesses to tailor their sales approach to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client. This tailored approach can lead to stronger relationships, higher customer satisfaction, and increased sales. The Power of Tailored Solutions Crafting Customized Experiences for Each Client Personalization in B2B sales…
AI: The Secret Sauce in Healthcare’s B2B Marketing
by Vasyl Kapitan, Originally posted on LinkedIn Hey there! As a Marketing Manager in the healthcare industry, I am actively engaged in developing and executing numerous B2B marketing campaigns. One of the coolest tools in my toolbox? Artificial Intelligence (AI). I've seen many trends come and go, but AI is a game-changer that's here to stay. Would you agree? Let me walk you through how AI is reshaping B2B marketing in our industry. 🚀 Making Business Interactions More Personal: The Perfect Matchmaker: AI isn't just about codes and algorithms; it's about understanding needs. Think of AI as that friend who always…
The Power of Storytelling: Unleashing B2B Tech Content Marketing Success
By John Heinz, Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Ultra Unlimited Originally Posted on LinkedIn In the fast-paced world of B2B tech, standing out from the crowd is no longer a luxury—it's an absolute necessity. But how can you capture the attention of your target audience in a sea of information overload? The answer lies in a game-changing content marketing best practice: the art of storytelling. Picture this: Instead of bombarding your prospects with mundane technical jargon and feature-heavy content, imagine captivating them with a compelling narrative that ignites their imagination and drives genuine engagement. Welcome to the era of…
What is Copywriting? How it Helps In b2b SaaS Lead Generation?
by Hamza Rashid, originally posted on LinkedIn Copywriting is the art and science of crafting written content with the primary goal of persuading the reader to take a specific action. In the context of B2B (business-to-business) SaaS (Software as a Service) lead generation, copywriting plays a pivotal role in attracting potential clients, engaging them, and ultimately converting them into leads and customers. What Is Copywriting? Copywriting involves creating written content, often referred to as “copy,” that is designed to resonate with the target audience. It focuses on conveying a compelling message that encourages the reader to perform a desired action. This…
B2B demand generation is a must for SaaS and tech companies
by Andy Alagappan B2B demand generation is a must for SaaS and tech companies. Strategies and tactics to draw in potential clients and convert them must keep up with the ever-changing tech world. To get started, you must understand your target audience. Identify their issues and show how your service or product is the answer. Research and analyze the competition to get the most out of your product placement. Build a strong online presence. Utilize digital marketing channels like content marketing, SEO, social media, and email campaigns. Educate and entertain prospects with your content - this will create trust and credibility. Lead nurturing strategies are key…
Three Social Media PR Tips for Driving B2B Brand Visibility
by Austin Andrukaitis by MarketingProfs Social Media has changed, and still is changing, public relations. Some companies might overlook social media's importance and use it as an afterthought, but fully 77% of customers will choose a brand over its competitor after having a positive experience on social media, Sprout Social found. That considered, you need to take advantage of social media to create awareness and generate buzz for your company. Here are some social media PR tips to help you boost your brand's visibility. 1. Use influencer marketing The right influencers can help boost your brand's visibility and awareness. But how do you find the…