What is Copywriting? How it Helps In b2b SaaS Lead Generation?

by Hamza Rashid, originally posted on LinkedIn Copywriting is the art and science of crafting written content with the primary goal of persuading the reader to take a specific action. In the context of B2B (business-to-business) SaaS (Software as a Service) lead generation, copywriting plays a pivotal role in attracting potential clients, engaging them, and ultimately converting them into leads and customers. What Is Copywriting? Copywriting involves creating written content, often referred to as “copy,” that is designed to resonate with the target audience. It focuses on conveying a compelling message that encourages the reader to perform a desired action. This…

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(Mildly) surprising copy converts better

by THOMAS MCKINLAY for Aryih “Uber Eats delivers a delicious meal to your door”vs“A delicious meal at your door, by Uber Eats” These sentences mean the same thing.  But the second one uses a less predictable order and combination of words. So people pay more attention to it. Get the amount of surprise just right (just enough, but not too much), and you could get up to 127.5% higher click-through rates (CTRs). If you’re a marketer or copywriter that likes to write fun and snarky copy, this is your dream come true. Now you have scientific evidence that your copy…

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