(Mildly) surprising copy converts better

by THOMAS MCKINLAY for Aryih “Uber Eats delivers a delicious meal to your door”vs“A delicious meal at your door, by Uber Eats” These sentences mean the same thing.  But the second one uses a less predictable order and combination of words. So people pay more attention to it. Get the amount of surprise just right (just enough, but not too much), and you could get up to 127.5% higher click-through rates (CTRs). If you’re a marketer or copywriter that likes to write fun and snarky copy, this is your dream come true. Now you have scientific evidence that your copy…

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How To Think In Funnels (And Achieve The Best Possible Outcomes)

by Frontera Blog Thinking in funnels is a mental model that breaks down your goals into different stages. So you can improve the conversion at each stage to achieve the best possible outcomes. We’ll start with a marketing story from the 1890s to understand how it was born. And finish with how to think in funnels. Let’s go. In 1898, Elias Elmo Lewis created a formula that changed marketing forever. He had an advertising agency. And he wrote newspaper ads for his clients — which was the main channel to reach potential customers before radio and TV. Like any advertiser, Lewis wanted to sell…

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