by ELENA VERNA for Elena's Growth Scoop Pricing pages are crucial in converting visitors/free users to paid customers. Important attributes of every pricing page: Showcases monetization model Easily understood Instills trust Assists consideration Has clear navigation The goal of the pricing page is to provide all the needed information to a potential customer to make a decision and then make it easy for them to take the next step. Pricing page performance Best-in-class in-app pricing pages with self-serve options convert ~15-20% of pricing visitors to the checkout page. Checkout pages usually convert 50% to paid customers. Best-in-class pricing page design…
A masterclass in pricing psychology
By Peter Ramsey at built for mars Take up for Netflix's ad-supported subscription was initially slow. The Wall Street Journal reported that only 9% of new signups opted for it, and of those who were happy to watch ads, 43% had downgraded from more expensive options. So Netflix made a simple design tweak: to 'hide' one of their most popular packages. The result: sign-ups to their ad-tier doubled. This case study demonstrates a masterclass of pricing psychology, and how simple changes (reliant on data and experimentation) can significantly alter the course of your product. Although before we start, I want to be clear about something: what you're about to see…