7 Habits of Highly Successful Prospectors, According to Sales Leaders

by Jay Fuchs for HubSpot Thoughtfully calculated, well-executed prospecting is central to virtually every successful sales engagement. It sets a tone — giving you the momentum and perspective you need to lock in on viable sales opportunities and ensure the rest of your sales process goes as smoothly as possible. But as with any other skill, some salespeople have a better grip on prospecting than others — and we, here at the HubSpot Sales Blog, want to do our part to make sure you prospect as effectively as possible. That‘s why we connected with some sales leaders for their takes…

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Why Do Salespeople Avoid Prospecting?

BY GEORGE BRONTÉN for MEMBRAIN If there’s nothing else to do, salespeople should default to prospecting. That’s a pretty decent rule of thumb, one we’ve all heard more than once. After all, effective prospecting is the key to keeping the pipeline full and sales results consistent. But do salespeople use their downtime this way? Not usually. In fact, making “cold calls” is often the most-avoided critical task in sales. We procrastinate, we delay, we get busy, and we ignore its necessity. The result is a roller coaster pipeline, up and down, and unpredictable sales forecasts. But why? Paul Fuller, our CRO, had an interesting conversation with Frank Kniekamp recently, and…

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