Ensuring Compliance and Security in a Remote Work Environment

By Lin Grensing-Pophal for HR Daily Advisor It’s an understatement to say that the pandemic experience has changed the business—and workplace—landscape forever. The shift to remote and hybrid work is not temporary as business leaders once believed. It’s here to stay. With this shift comes risk—and an increased need to ensure both compliance and security when employees are “out of sight, and out of mind.” How can businesses navigate this new terrain effectively? Understanding the Risks While the digital age and the ability to work remotely have offered businesses, and employees, a great deal of benefit, those benefits aren’t without…

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Your Passwords Suck (and How To Fix Them!)

by National Cyber Passwords…we all have them…lots of them!! So many different logins these days and everyone can’t be the same. Why not? Because if one gets compromised, then they all get compromised. Amazingly enough, in 2021, the most used password was 123456.1 This should tell you that many people don’t give their passwords much thought. But does it really matter any longer? With Multi-Factor Authentication becoming a regular component of extended protection of one's user account access, are passwords still important?  YES. No matter how you look at it, a strong password can make things more difficult for an attacker…

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