BY BILL MURPHY JR., FOUNDER OF UNDERSTANDABLY AND CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, INC Imagine if you hired a lawyer, or a marketer, or an advertising agency to do some work for your business. Next, imagine that they came back with a bill for their services. Finally, imagine that when you looked at their work product, you realized they'd simply asked ChatGPT for an answer, and passed it along to you verbatim. Would you be disappointed? I think you might. But there are exceptions to every rule, and that's where McDonald's comes into this story. Earlier this month, McDonald's apparently unveiled an advertisement in Brazil that consists…
ChatGPT Isn’t Coming for Your Marketing Business
BY CONRAD EGUSA, KATIE KONYN for INC Two months have passed since the latest model of ChatGPT was released and it's fair to say that the media and creative industries are living in a moment of self-doubt. While AI is far from a new technology, its real-world applications were previously mostly limited to data-focused tasks such as analytics and process automation. The latest generative AI tools, however, have exceeded most of our expectations in their ability to produce creative content - something which, until very recently, was believed to be the sole preserve of humans. Now that tools such as ChatGPT-4 and…
How to Implement a 4-Day Workweek–According to 1 Business That Successfully Made the Change
BY SARAH LYNCH for INC In 2022, Jake Kurtz was burned out. But as the CEO and founder of his own social media management agency, Brick Media in Tampa, he realized that he had the power to make a change in the way he and his company worked. That led him to test run a four-day workweek. He'd come across studies supporting the success of four-day workweek pilot programs: In one U.K. study, 92 percent of companies that tested a four-day workweek planned to continue with the schedule. Once an employee fantasy, the shortened workweek has gained serious traction, with small businesses leading adoption. Kurtz thought: Why not give it a try? …
(Mildly) surprising copy converts better
by THOMAS MCKINLAY for Aryih “Uber Eats delivers a delicious meal to your door”vs“A delicious meal at your door, by Uber Eats” These sentences mean the same thing. But the second one uses a less predictable order and combination of words. So people pay more attention to it. Get the amount of surprise just right (just enough, but not too much), and you could get up to 127.5% higher click-through rates (CTRs). If you’re a marketer or copywriter that likes to write fun and snarky copy, this is your dream come true. Now you have scientific evidence that your copy…
9 Disadvantages of AI You Never Thought About
By Michael Brenner for Marketing Insider Group Robots and artificial intelligence have fascinated people for decades. Some have predicted amazing advancements and a world like “The Jetsons,” while others fear the disadvantages of AI. The reality is probably somewhere closer to the middle. Still, anyone who wants to use AI in marketing (or business in general) should be fully aware of its pros and cons. We’ve done our due diligence and uncovered nine disadvantages of AI you may have never considered. Key Takeaways: The top disadvantages of AI include a low ROI, as well as unimaginative and emotionless content. AI can instigate…
Revolutionizing Content Strategies: The Impact of Generative and Chat AI on Modern Marketing
By Kara Parlin for Contently The world of content marketing is changing at a rapid pace, thanks to the revolutionary advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). Since chat AI and generative AI emerged, businesses now have access to powerful tools to help them create engaging, high-quality content like never before. But with the dizzying pace of new AI-powered tools released almost weekly, marketers can have a hard time deciding how to integrate AI into their content strategies. Let’s explore the latest AI-driven technologies and their impact on the content landscape, as well as discuss how businesses can stay ahead by leveraging these tools effectively.…
How to Fire Your Customers
BY HOWARD TULLMAN for INC. Mark Twain said that a banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. I'd say his view was a little narrow, since plenty of investors are certainly charter members of the same unreliable club. The overnight run on Silicon Valley Bank and that institution's ultimate collapse -- which most of us believe was driven by the panic of a few key, well-connected, and cowardly VCs with social media megaphones -- is just one of the latest cases in point. As…
What are 5 P’s of marketing? (With examples)
by the Marketer Milk Team One of the most enduring concepts in marketing, the 5 Ps of marketing, dates to the 1940s. Originally conceived as the four Ps of the marketing mix, the first known mention, according to Wikipedia, is attributed to Prof. James Culliton of Harvard University, who featured the Ps in his article The Management of Marketing Costs. Here are the 5 Ps of marketing as originally conceived (the last one was subsequently added): Product: The design, niche, and functionality of the offering. Price: How the product is priced, compared to competitors. Promotion: How key messages about the product reach the…
In Praise of Memorization
by Pearl Leff I once worked at a small company of insanely productive engineers. They were geniuses by any account. They knew the software stack from top to bottom, from hardware to operating systems to Javascript, and could pull together in days what would take teams at other companies months to years. Between them they were more productive than any division I've ever been in, including FAANG tech companies. In fact, they had written the top-of-the-line specialized compiler in their industry — as a side project. (Their customers believed that they had buildings of engineers laboring on their product, while in reality…
Elevate your PPC with ChatGPT: The art of asking disconfirming questions
by Amy Hebdon for Search Engine Land Have you tried to use generative AI in your digital marketing but found that it behaves more like “spicy autocomplete” than actual intelligence? Try using disconfirming questions. Here’s how. The power of disconfirming questions Disconfirming questions challenge what you already believe or think is true. Instead of asking questions that agree with your ideas, disconfirming questions encourage you to question and explore different possibilities. Contrast this with confirming questions, which seek validation and reinforce existing perspectives. Notice the difference between these two questions and the answers they’ll elicit: Confirming: Do you agree this new…